Sunday 21 December 2014

1)INDIAN ARMY is the only army in the world which liberated a nation (east Pakistan, now Bangladesh) in terms of modern warfare after signing instrument of surrender on 16th december 1971, whereas even SOVIET UNION was unable to maintain its dominance in AFGHANISTAN, and even USA couldn't  achieve its goals in VIETNAM,IRAQ and is now pulling out from AF-PAK region.

2)INDIAN army is the only army in the world, which has captured highest number of  troops (prisoners of war) after the second world war, more than 95000 Pakistani soldiers were captured alive by Indian army.

3) INDIAN ARMY is the only army in the world, which is stationed at the world's highest and the coldest battlefield. The place is called siachen glacier where the temperature comes down to -60 degrees.

4) on SEPT 12,1897, 21 soldiers fought against the 10000 afghans, the battle was published by UNESCO in 2013, all of the soldiers who were martyred were awarded with 'INDIAN ORDER OF MERIT'(FIRST CLASS), which is equal to PARAM VIR CHAKRA awarded by the president of india, the families were given 50 acers of land and 500 rupees each by the queen. The 21 killed around 600+ enemies and left many wounded (as per the british records), In all 22 men fought out of which 21 were soldiers and 1 was safaiwala namely 'DADH SINGH' (he needs recognition as he is not mostly mentioned by the people who talk about the above battle).

5) A platoon under the leadership of SUBEDAR JOGINDER SINGH of the 1st sikh battalion (now 4 mech) survived three waves of the Chinese army  (each wave being 200 soldiers strong)during the 1962 war without any artillery support or air support, the platoon had only limited ammunition,whereas Chinese were superior both numerically and technologically, the Chinese wanted a breakthrough to tawang through 'tongpeng-la'. SUBEDAR JOGINDER SINGH was awarded with the PARAM VIR CHAKRA (POSTHUMOUS)

6) 3 platoons of the 13th battalion of the Kumaon regiment with light artillery support killed around 1000 Chinese soldiers in 'BATTLE OF REZENGLA' under the leadership of MAJ SHAITAN SINGH during the 1962 war, only 9 soldiers survived and MAJ SHAITAN SINGH was awarded with a PARAM VIR CHAKRA.(POSTHUMOUS).

7) INDIAN ARMY also contributed in the GALLIPOLI CAMPAIGN during the first world war which was against turkey supported by the Germans in 1915-1916, an Indian infantry brigade which consisted of a Sikh, gurkha and muslim unit each, the men fought  bravely and it was during this campaign that first Indian was awarded with the 'VICTORIA CROSS' namely 'KHUDADAD KHAN' at the 'BATTLE OF YPRES', hand to hand combat was also witnessed during this campaign but unfortunately  the Indian contribution is not recognised well.

8)After independence, India fought four wars (1947 Indo-Pak War, 1962 Sino-India War, 1965 Indo-Pak War, 1971 Indo-Pak War), three border conflicts (1967 Sino-India conflict, 1984 Indo-Pak Siachen conflict, 1999 Indo-Pak Kargil conflict), inclusion of Hyderabad, liberation of Goa, Daman and Diu. Apart from conflicts and wars, Indian Army provided medical assistance during Korean War and has undertaken numerous UN Peacekeeping missions.

9) INDIAN ARMY has fought many wars after Independence which includes 1948,1962,1965,1971 and 1999 Kargil war, we won all the wars but except that of 1962 against china, not because of army's failure but because of some 'unwanted decisions' taken by the politicians in power.

10)INDIAN ARMY is one of the highly PROFESSIONAL army in the world, Indian army guards the frontiers from the northernmost to the southernmost points of the nations and is also specialized in HIGH ALTITUDE WARFARE JUNGLE WARFARE where officers from various countries come for regular courses and also countries like USA, RUSSIA also holds joint exercise with the Indian army on regular basis.

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